

An open house can be an ideal way to introduce a bulk of buyers to the property you're hoping to sell them, and done right, an open house can sometimes generate multiple offers. The key, though, is "done right" -- not every open house is going to be a buyer's bonanza, and not every open house showcases a home at its highest potential. You want buyers walking in to feel welcome and for the house to be presented as at least a little bit of a party venue, so buyers can imagine themselves hosting their own event for friends and family in the home. Read More


If you've never bought a house before, then you might not be familiar with closing costs -- and if you've never sold a house before, then you may be unaware that sellers have to shoulder some closing costs of their own. For buyers, closing costs encompass lender fees, title company fees, prepaid costs, and a handful of miscellaneous components that could be classified under more than one category; for sellers, closing costs typically include agent fees and some title fees, too. Read More


When you buy a home in a rural area, it's much more of a lifestyle decision than deciding to settle down in a city or even close to a city. And if you aren't deeply familiar with the place where you want to move, then you'll need to research what it's really like to live there and decide whether it's for you. Read More


Buying a home anywhere feels like a huge step, but getting settled in the suburbs can seem especially momentous for any household. After all, traditionally, suburbs were for establishing a place in the community and raising a family, where you can put down roots and grow a life. Where you might plan to stay in your city home for just three to five years, a home in the suburbs could be the place where you retire. Read More


Buying a home without researching (and loving) the neighborhood is a bit like getting married after the first or second date -- a serious gamble that pays off at best, and the prelude to a horrible, costly mistake at worst. When the time comes to sink your hard-earned dollars into a down payment on a place to live, you want to be sure that you're making a decision that benefits you today and up to a decade or more down the road. Read More


Many homebuyers dream of owning a beautiful, modern, luxurious home decked out with all the best amenities. For those fortunate folks who are actually poised to purchase such a home, however, careful consideration is essential. That’s why I’ve laid out the following tips to help you find a luxury home… Read More


Investing in real estate is a goal for many Americans, and that goal has become more pronounced since reality television became a thing and HGTV jumped on the bandwagon. How many times have you watched a fix-and-flip or home investment show on television and thought to yourself, "Doesn't look too hard -- I bet I could do that!" Read More


Building a new home is a perfect opportunity to customize your space according to your own needs and wants -- and it can also feel completely overwhelming. Many homes built from the ground up will require the new owner to make more than one thousand decisions about everything from paint color to what fixtures you want in your kitchens and bathrooms. Read More